What Whatsapp?



You all might have heard that whatsapp is sold to Facebook for $19 billion. Yes, everyone is shocked even me or say I am too surprised. Surprised that an app for messaging is bought for $19 billion and that is a huge amount of money. An app that many experts can build, even I can build an app like that. And I am sure facebook programmers can build an app like that ( they have already build facebook messenger for iphone and android). 
Now the question is why facebook bought whatsapp for such a big amount of money. I have many answers to that question. First of all whatsapp have 450 million users, of those users many are on facebook and many are not. Facebook is not trying to pull those users to the social network. Facebook is trying to make a good will in the market. Besides that the main reason for the acquisition is that facebook got a new platform for its ads that will generate a big revenue. They also got a big chunk of mobile market through whatsapp. So all of it is a money game.
People are shocked and a number is unhappy, I don’t know why. Lets see how the service changes.